Inviting users

Every workspace owner can invite any number of users to see and review the available boards. This is particularly powerful to share your features to whoever is the intended target.

Inviting users through the graphic interface

Firstly, click on the top-right account icon and select the Users tab.

Next, input the email of the user you desire to invite and click on send.

Finally, the invited user will receive an email like the following

Inviting users through the SDK

In the SDK, not only users can be invited in the same way, but also newer festures are available. For instance, providing a role to each user to manage access and edition hierarchies on your boards.

Defining the roles can be a great start to inviting whoever is desired.

rol1 = shimoku_client.workspaces.create_role(
    permission="WRITE", #WRITE/READ
    target="USER") #USER/GROUP

To invite a user, simply use the following command. Incorporate on the parameters the specific roles needed for that user.

email = '', 
uuid = workspace_uuid, 
name = workspace_name, 
roles = [rol1])

Check the pending invitations using the following code.

uuid = workspace_uuid, 
name = workspace_name)

If it were convenient to delete any pending invitation, use this function.

email = '', 
uuid = workspace_uuid, 
name = workspace_name)

Moreover, it is possible to check who is currently invited and it is provided a function to eliminate their access to the content.

uuid = workspace_uuid, 
name = workspace_name)

email = '', 
uuid = workspace_uuid, 
name = workspace_name)

Last updated