Managing Universes

A Universe is where you create your Data Apps.

Every Universe admin can create an unlimited number of Data Apps called Workspaces. Each Workspace can be accessed by an unlimited number of users (or email accounts) for an unlimited number of workspaces.

With the Universe object, you can use:

  • get_universe_workspaces() to retrieve in cascade all workspaces in a universe

AppType 1 appears in the Workspace 1 personalized as Suite 1.2, AppType 3 appears as Suite 1.1, and so on.

In particular, the examples we are going to see are from a Universe with two AppTypes (1 and 2) and a single Workspace with two Apps (so-called Suites 1.1 and 1.2):

The Methods

1. get_universe_workspaces()

To get all the workspaces that belong to a universe you can use:

workspaces: List[Dict] = s.universe.get_universe_workspaces()

The method returns a single workspaces that exists for this Universe, in this example it has just one:

workspaces = [
    "id": "d0361c40-8de9-4dd0-a60c-b0ee12c4d7f4",
    "__typename": "Workspaces",
    "updatedAt": "2021-03-01T15:46:36.521Z",
    "createdAt": "2021-03-01T15:46:36.521Z",
    "owner": "333ce8a0-098a-41b5-84a5-6ae67705d1be",
    "workspaceUniverseId": "fffff-94df-49ed-b74b-d9fb9246dbb4",
    "name": "IKEAM Furniture"
    "type": "PERSONAL",

2. get_universe_app_types

You can get all the types of Apps created in a Universe using this:

app_types: List[Dict] = s.universe.get_universe_app_types()

It returns two App Types available for this Universe. Meaning that all Workspaces in this workspaces will have two sort of Apps: Retention App and Sales Prediction App.

app_types = [
    "id": "f861-4794-932b-6395de991111",
    "__typename": "AppType",
    "updatedAt": "2020-08-18T10:22:23.898Z",
    "createdAt": "2020-08-18T10:22:23.898Z",
    "appTypeUniverseId": "fffff-94df-49ed-b74b-d9fb9246dbb4",
    "normalizedName": "retention-app",
    "key": "RETENTION_SUITE"
    "name": "Retention App",
    "id": "g972-4794-932b-6395de002222",
    "__typename": "AppType",
    "updatedAt": "2021-10-03T10:22:23.898Z",
    "createdAt": "2021-10-03T10:22:23.898Z",
    "appTypeUniverseId": "fffff-94df-49ed-b74b-d9fb9246dbb4",
    "normalizedName": "sales-prediction"
    "name": "Sales prediction",

Last updated