On 2022.08.01
This version has been deprecated. If used with the current API version it can produce unexpected behaviour or errors.
The package shimoku-api-python is no longer maintained
To get the new version 🪄
Created a Bento box component that allow to group components in the grid without gaps, opening up a new galaxy of grid configurations 🍱🍱
Added time sleep to the
operations for table rows which allows now to put large tables of thousands of rows avoidingToo many requests error
Now reports could be hidden and unhidden easily with a new method.
First create a component
Now, to hide it use hide_report()
Now the report cannot be seen in the FrontEnd web app
To unhide it just undo the operation with unhide_report()
Combined with the Input forms
this allow users to see the components they want to.
Now all the components have an input attribute
that allow to group multiple components in a Bento box.
Some behaviour considerations:
If two or more Reports have the same bentoboxId, they are grouped inside the Bento Group Component.
Report Group has its Grid. Every Report inside the Report Group must be distributed like the available Grid. This Grid inside Report Group must be:
a) 24 columns - NO gap b) Row size 16 px height - NO gap
If bentoBoxId has been informed, but not sizeRows was not informed:
Indicators reports will have, by default, eight rows.
Other reports will have, by default, 14 rows.
If bentoBoxId has been informed, but not sizeColumns was not informed:
Indicators reports will have, by default, 12 cols.
Other reports will have, by default, 24 cols.
The Report with bentoboxOrder with the smallest number was the "master.” This Report defines the bentoboxSizeRows and the bentoboxSizeColumns.
And create stuff such as:
Enjoy your meal grid!
Last updated