Chart and Modal Button

This template joins a chart with a description and a button that opens a modal.

The Method To Use

The method is s.plt.chart_and_modal_button()

It must contain the following input variables:

menu_path: str, 
order: int, 
# The parameters that the chart function will take when executed
chart_parameters: Dict,
# The name of the modal that will be used by the button
button_modal: str

And accepts the following input variables as optional:

rows_size: int = 3,
cols_size: int = 12, 
# The funcion that will be executed passing the previous parameters,
# by default it will use a free_echarts bar chart
chart_function: Optional[Callable] = None,
button_label: str = 'Read more',
tabs_index: Optional[Tuple[str, str]] = None, 
modal_name: Optional[str] = None,
button_side_text: str = "Click on the button to read more about this topic.",


This example shows how to use the method:

data = [
    {'Email': 120, 'Union Ads': 132, 'Video Ads': 101, 'Search Engine': 134, 'Weekday': 'Mon'},
    {'Email': 220, 'Union Ads': 182, 'Video Ads': 191, 'Search Engine': 234, 'Weekday': 'Tue'},
    {'Email': 150, 'Union Ads': 232, 'Video Ads': 201, 'Search Engine': 154, 'Weekday': 'Wed'},
    {'Email': 820, 'Union Ads': 932, 'Video Ads': 901, 'Search Engine': 934, 'Weekday': 'Thu'},
    {'Email': 120, 'Union Ads': 132, 'Video Ads': 101, 'Search Engine': 134, 'Weekday': 'Fri'},
    {'Email': 220, 'Union Ads': 182, 'Video Ads': 191, 'Search Engine': 234, 'Weekday': 'Sat'},
    {'Email': 150, 'Union Ads': 232, 'Video Ads': 201, 'Search Engine': 154, 'Weekday': 'Sun'},

    order=0, button_modal='test modal',
        x="Weekday", variant='minimal',
        x_axis_name='Visits per weekday',

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