This template joins a chart with a description and a button that opens a modal.
The Method To Use
The method is s.plt.chart_and_modal_button()
It must contain the following input variables:
menu_path:str,order:int,# The parameters that the chart function will take when executedchart_parameters: Dict,# The name of the modal that will be used by the buttonbutton_modal:str
And accepts the following input variables as optional:
rows_size:int=3,cols_size:int=12,# The funcion that will be executed passing the previous parameters,# by default it will use a free_echarts bar chartchart_function: Optional[Callable]=None,button_label:str='Read more',tabs_index: Optional[Tuple[str,str]]=None,modal_name: Optional[str]=None,button_side_text:str="Click on the button to read more about this topic.",